2 weeks ago I visited a concert at the «Schleusenkrug». Bandname: «Lota Red». Style: Rock-A-Billy-Punk-Country-Folk. It was like a chainreaction. Bang. Boom. Bam. To make a long story short: Best first concert in 2007 for me. And a warm welcome back to my long lost favorite kind of music so I bought the CD «Close To The Sun» right away (follow the link and there will be the track clickable/playable).
Kick Ass’, Hellbent, Hotrodded, Glam-Rockabilly! Five guys from Berlin mixin’ their roots in ‘Rockabilly’ with influences from Country, Punk, Garage and anything else they can find to produce a sound that can only be described as ‘LOTA RED – The Big Noise From Berlin…
Ay, they have gig next Saturday (21 Apr.) at the Pirate Cove / Tempelhofer Ufer 1, Berlin / doors open 9pm. Don’t miss it!
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