Yeehaa! This site changed the style today – because I can. If something is not right aligned or behaves like a donkey I’ll say sorry. Maybe I gonna fix the bugs (or not).
- New (static) text blurps. Better, shorter, straighter. Thanks to: jmi, cat and tania.
- Sadly sorry: The static pages (About, Service, Showroom) and their subpages are now only in german until I’ll get someone who can translate the new text pieces. Ben? Are you listening? I can’t offer money BUT in exchange for a good translation I could offer some design work or help w/ blog setup or css/theme makeover. Or mac support. Or good music tips. Or a delicious dinner.
- New pages like Kulturprogramm will give you updates what I read, listen to and watch on dvd or at the movies.
- My Toolbox will be relaunched very soon. Same with the FAQs.
- Starting over the Showroom (replaces the portfolio); more updates very soon.
- Two little (secret) projects will be presented very soon. I’m still working on them so I have to shut up for now. But two words to keep you checking my site frequently: artist and writings.
Other updates:
- Tomorrow starts the re:publica, a german conference about blogging, web-two-oh, open source and other nerdy stuff; I’ll be there.
- It seems there will be no aKua theme for K2. Why? Well, no real progress on the K2 develepment front, still stuck before a final 1.0 version. But, someone did a really great theme. 100% mac-like, unbeatable, ajaxified, widgetized, drag’n’dropable, leading “i”: iTheme 1.0 by Nick La.
- I’m still looking for someone w/ very good PHP, ajax and WordPress skills who is interested in developing one or more themes for WordPress w/ me.
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