Archive Page 4

the world according to xkcd

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the world according to xkcd

brought to you by xkcd

native berlin

jetzt ist es doch passiert: ich teile mich auf. I split myself. persönlicheres und mikrokulturelles native berlin. ganz alleine werde ich nicht dort sein: Salomon wird als erster dazukommen, hoffentlich später noch andere. einziges kriterium: «born native berlin»; d.h.? echte berliner. warum? darum!

native berlinwenn jetzt die frage aufkommt, was dort erscheinen soll: ganz einfach: das worauf ich/wir lust haben, ziemlich sicher aber aus’m echten leben. weniger blogosphäre. und gleich vorneweg: zählen braucht man uns nicht: auch wie hier wird’s nicht nur monolingual zugehen.

I split myself. from now on: more privat and microcultural stuff native berlin. Not alone: Salomon will join me there as the first co-author, more maybe later, hopefully. one and only rule: «born native berlin»; that means: real berliner. why? therefore!

for the question «what will be there? what “content”?» : what we like, what we think. more from the real life — less blogosphere. not monolingual. in german and english. you don’t have to count us.

count me not?

als ich «count me in» schrieb, dachte ich wohl fälschlicherweise das ich auch gemeint sei, tja dem wahr wohl nicht so:

[…] ich muss dich aus der Zählung heraus nehmen. Es geht dabei nämlich um deutschsprachige Blogs. […]

anscheinend werden bei «Weblogzählung – Aufruf» nur blogs gezählt die in deutsch geschrieben sind. macht ja auch nichts. in berlin. aus berlin. who cares.

count me in


i’m alive. really. more than ever.

sticky stick goes to: Ben, SK and the kosmic kosmar. wait. anne? are you there?


Inspired by 43 Folders, here is my menu:


native visual musician

self orchestrated:

beat into the box:

4 DJs 5 Turntables

C2C DMC team world champions 2003/2004/2005/(2006?)

und der dank geht an: nerdcore

May the force be with you, NOT!

I Followed the Corellian Smuggler (who tried to hide because of this Kaminoan Bounty Hunter) …

Did the test to try to become Boba Fett — but the dark side of the force was too strong, so I’m the Dark Lord now!

from hell back to berlin – yeehaa!

2 weeks ago I visited a concert at the «Schleusenkrug». Bandname: «Lota Red». Style: Rock-A-Billy-Punk-Country-Folk. It was like a chainreaction. Bang. Boom. Bam. To make a long story short: Best first concert in 2007 for me. And a warm welcome back to my long lost favorite kind of music so I bought the CD «Close To The Sun» right away (follow the link and there will be the track clickable/playable).

Kick Ass’, Hellbent, Hotrodded, Glam-Rockabilly! Five guys from Berlin mixin’ their roots in ‘Rockabilly’ with influences from Country, Punk, Garage and anything else they can find to produce a sound that can only be described as ‘LOTA RED – The Big Noise From Berlin…

Lota Red at MySpace

Ay, they have gig next Saturday (21 Apr.) at the Pirate Cove / Tempelhofer Ufer 1, Berlin / doors open 9pm. Don’t miss it!

still under construction

code under progressYep. Time is ticking. Ticking really fast. Site design not ready for prime time. Not even close. Too many missing bullet points. Missed GTD. Don’t wanna do a nightshift again. Not this night. Busy day tomorrow. Remember? re:publica. Conference ’bout web2.0, open source and social media in berlin, germany.

But I created an icon for «Code Under Contruction». You wanna get it? Download it? Here you go:

Icon license: This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND License and – if you use it on a website or in a non-commercial software – a link to my site BureauBlumenberg is mandatory.