Tag Archive for 'mac-os'


You don’t know MacZOT?

You don’t know SubEthaEdit?

Time for a change!

There is a special deal today: Each qualified blog entry reduces the price of SubEthaEdit from CodingMonkeys from $30.00 to $0.00 by $0.05 per entry. This is the second special event and it’s called BLOGZOT 2.0 on MacZOT.com. MacZOT and TheCodingMonkeys will award $105,000 in Mac software while I’m writing about it. And by the way: it’s a very good Application. For coders with the need to do collaborative writing/coding. For writing on the same file eg. via internet or local network. It works. Promise. End of story.

Now go get it!

fine piece of work

not my words — but I was pretty happy to hear (well, read) that. Weeks ago I joined a contest for the upcoming 2nd release of Yasu to create an icon.

Now my icon did the 2nd place but won the contest. To read more about how this could happen at Jim Mitchells site. Thank you Jim!

final fonttool

final version of Linotype FontExplorer X released today.

If you’re on Mac and want to manage some (more) fonts: go get it.

It replaced Suitcase and FontAgent on my Computer. Month ago. It’s free and I don’t think that Extensis can win with SuitcaseFusion against a competitor with a lifelong knowledge of fonts and a product which is rock-solid. No crashes for 5 months.

flock(ed) again

after a little while — here we go again. the genetic manipulated

little brother of firefox gets older: version 0.5.11. of flock

and this time it seems it done its homework: in firefox 1.5.0.x i can’t use the page-down button on my keyboard — but in flock 0.5.11 it works. and besides that: it feels much more snappier than before. maybe flock IS an alternative to camino and firefox on my mac. we’ll see. 

how to get the file down

Update no. 2: I was asked if it’s possible to do the «on-the-fly» editing of the page-source without Safari, eg. if you’re on a non Mac OS X system. Yes, it’s easy like with safariStand. You need 2 things: Firefox and the Web Developer Extension. With this setup you only have to choose “Edit HTML” from the “Miscellaneous” menu from the Web Dev Toolbar and edit what you want to change (temporarly).

how to get the file downUpdate: I made a little how-to-step-by-step. Click in the image on the left to view a (readable) bigger size — but only if your browsers window viewport is at least 660px in height, if not: save the image to disk or open it in a new window. Sorry for that.

You just have to temporarly change in the source-code:

"[…] param name="KIOSKMODE" VALUE="true" […]"


"[…] param name="KIOSKMODE" VALUE="false" […]"


< embed name=" […] kioskmode="true" […]"


< embed name=" […] kioskmode="false" […]"

After you changed this and aplied it you will have the small triangle on the bottom right. Click there and choose "Save source" or "Save movie". That's it.

You can do this for example with Safari + SafariStand installed.
Of course, you need QT Pro to save the clip to disk.

a baseball bat for blog-poster

I am big and bold, Georgia in 18pt or pxl
(done w/ BlogThing)

Update: Blogthing is doing «fine» inline-style based postings: writing AND choosing your wished font/fontsize/fontcolor and bring it to your blog. For free.


oops. it’s vice-versa : BlogThing. 
Simple desktop post-to-blog software for free. Well, posted before via 2 or three other Dashboard-Mini-Apps. Or: straight via back-end of wordpress. I don’t mind at all. 
Maybe this app is a solution for some “I-ain’t-no-geek-but-wanna-have-a-blog” people 😉

yet another …

This is my draft submission for a very good system utility icon contest: YASU to «clear the dusty caches». We’ll see if it get accepted.

here at original size (128px):

and a little bigger (256px):

Adobe strikes back : Lightroom

Bang! Next round Adobe vs. Apple. After the hype of Apples Aperture and the the not so good words about it after testing — Adobe returns to the arena with a competitor to Aperture. Today Adobe Labs announced the public beta of : Lightroom. May the best win!.

which browser on mac?

«[…] sick of “web 2.0” applications/companies /websites not working in Safari. […]»

Either Support Safari, Or Lose Customers

I agree — but still in WordPress Admin/Backend I (don’t) miss the «format» buttons. I don’t miss the buttons because i know how to format with markup-tags — and I use Safari because of the bookmarks and the UI (don’t forget the plug-ins like Stand or Saft!). Safari feels much better than Firefox (which feels a little like windows) — maybe camino would be an alternative browser. But every time I tried a different browser than safari I returned — happy to use that app again.

when I do web dev I use both, Safari AND Firefox — just to be on the safe side.