Archive for November, 2005


erreicht mich von Ben (metamac).

and here we go:

aus : 23|5

«und nebenbei kämpfe ich noch mit einer python namens css.»

so denn; mein stöckchen reiche ich dann weiter an

Johnny vom Spreeblick-Imperium, weil ich mich immer wieder dabei ertappe mir zu wünschen schreiben zu können wie er, auch an Timo, einfach weil mir sein Blog-Design gefällt, sowie an

Thomas, weil ich mich über den heutigen «BND» (Buy-Nothing-Day) Beitrag gefreut habe — und nicht zu vergessen an:

guymon, weil ich sein Blog ebenso als feed abonniert habe.

und des Stöckchens Regeln:

  • Ab ins Archiv
  • Finde den 23ten Artikel, den Du geschrieben hast
  • Finde den 5ten Satz, poste ihn und reiche das Stöckchen weiter an soviele Leute wie du willst, multipliziert mit deiner Glückszahl und addiert mit 24.

spare time while you have a cold …

// Anne, «may the force be with you.»

To Watch

To Read:

i’m not alone!

I don’t share his view on some topics but I read his blog a lot. The Shape of Days. his style is quiet good. anyway, we share something today: flood of ilogical e-mails to .mac-accounts. like with the subject «you visit illegal websites» (here is a entry about these «legends», found at urbanlegends or go straight to the press release of the fbi). take a look and read his entry about e-mails from «official» senders like the fbi or cia.

maybe he received also e-mails with following subjects:

  • «Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie»
  • «hi, ive a new mail address»
  • «Your Password»
  • «smtp mail failed»
  • «Mail delivery failed»
  • «Registration_Confirmation»

quote from a fbi press release:

«For Immediate Release | Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Washington D.C. | FBI National Press Office


E-mails purporting to come from FBI are phony

Washington, D.C. – The FBI is warning the public to avoid falling victim to an on-going mass e-mail scheme wherein computer users received unsolicited e-mails purportedly sent by the FBI. These scam e-mails tell the recipients that their Internet use has been monitored by the FBI and that they have accessed illegal web sites. The e-mails then direct recipients to open an attachment and answer questions.

The e-mail appears to be sent from the e-mail addresses of, and There may be other similarly styled addresses. The recipient is enticed to open the zip attachment which contains a variant of the w32/sober virus. If the program within the zip attachment is executed then the virus is launched and my effect the user’s computer.


These e-mails did not come from the FBI. Recipients of this or similar solicitations should know that the FBI does not engage in the practice of sending unsolicited e-mails to the public in this manner.

Opening e-mail attachments from an unknown sender is a risky and dangerous endeavor as such attachments frequently contain viruses that can infect the recipient’s computer. The FBI strongly encourages computer users not to open such attachments. For detailed information on the effects of running this virus please log onto

The FBI takes this matter seriously and is investigating. While the address and phone number for the FBI is correct in the email, users receiving e-mails of this nature are encouraged to report it to the Internet Crime Complaint Center via

it’s so stupid to send these e-mails to .mac-accounts: it’s a «deadend» — we couldn’t be harmed by a virus and our e-mail apps ignoring any trojan or other harmful e-mails. they knock at our doors and die in our «house». that’s it.

spam flood to .mac

ok, irgendetwas läuft krumm. werde gerade mit spam überschüttet — aber ausschliesslich an den .mac-account. vermeintliche absender: yahoo, aol, hotmail, cia, fbi … drekk!

illegal : Harhar

Wenn das Postfach keinmal klingelt — oder: leider gibt’s wohl andere die das glauben würden:

Update: Anscheinend ist heute mein großer Tag: würde ich Windows benutzen, wäre ich am verzweifeln. Wer macht diesen Mist?


«[…] Die Rede ist hier von einer kompletten deutschsprachigen WordPress-Installation. Eine ohne wenn und aber.

[…] keine aufgeblasene Pimp-, sondern vielmehr eine möglichst fehlerfreie und saubere PureVersion. […]»

zu finden bei: Kylaloo » WordPressus Teutonicus

ich bleibe aber trotzdem — erstmal — bei der englischen Original Version. Gibt für mich trotzdem genug anzupassen ohne auch noch ein Blick auf die Sprache werfen zu müssen: meine Modifikationen und Veränderungen des K2 Themes zum Beispiel.

tweak goes skin

I talked to Denis de Beardy (Semiologic) about my «tweaked» version of his nice WP-Plugin called «Admin Menu» and he decided to make a new version (v2.1) including my «skin» AND a skinning funcionality:

«[…] I liked your skin so much that I added a skinning functionality to the plugin. :) […]»

Yes! Thank you!

So here is the download link:

click to download : preselected tweaked (skinned) version 0.4 by BureauBlumenberg

go to Semiologic for the original version by Denis de Bernardy

tweaked today: admin menu

I stopped reading my news — RSS-feeds — when I read that Denis de Bernardy (semiologic) released his new WP-Plugin called «Admin Menu». Wow! Really nice thing. I installed it right away and dont’t wanna miss it. But when i stared at it I realized that it’s maybe a little to far off the design of my site and not really close to any GUI at the OS I run on my computer: Mac OS X (10.4). Besides that it’s to «massive» for my needs in my opinion.

Anyway, I decided to tweak it a little: changing color, background, font-size, position and trying to get an opacity which is maybe supported in css3 but only poor in css2. finally it worked very good in Safari 2.0.2 (416.12) and Firefox 1.0.7— I didn’t test it w/ IE yet.

(original version)

(tweaked version)

(tweaked version, scrolling)

update updated

Update of update: The icon portfolio is still online and the others will follow END of november. Too much to do; too many things keeping me away from my site/journal finalization. e.g.: the home of the diary about our daughter : redesigned and wordpress(ed).
