Archive for March, 2006

CheTrooper arrived in Berlin (finally!)

unpackYesterday the postman made me happy. After waiting nearly more than 2 months a little package arrived. Sender: UrbanMedium. Content: The Heavy Ammunition Project. And after opening the package and unpack everything (a cd and 4 or 5 stickers) I just dropped the cd into my audio to listen to the tunes: Wow! Much better than I hoped. I’m still listen to the cd today! Favorite track so far: «Undisputibles» by L.A.ment feat. Evidence. Thank you and respect to UrbanMedium and DJ Spider!

You can still buy that cd (and the stickers!) over there at The Heavy Ammunition Project — It’s worth every cent and I’m a little sad that I missed the «Special Box».

CheTrooper arrived in Berlin

One of the 4 or 5 stickers went on vacation today after he was cloned and multiplied. Made a tour through Berlin: The CheTrooper. Sticking here and there. Sticking everywhere. (Click on the pictures to get an enlarged version.)

CheTrooper and Else

CheTrooper and Tank

CheTrooper and the gate

fine piece of work

not my words — but I was pretty happy to hear (well, read) that. Weeks ago I joined a contest for the upcoming 2nd release of Yasu to create an icon.

Now my icon did the 2nd place but won the contest. To read more about how this could happen at Jim Mitchells site. Thank you Jim!

EMG : throw it!


«LED Throwies are an inexpensive way to add color to any ferromagnetic surface in your neighborhood. A Throwie consists of a lithium battery, a 10mm diffused LED and a rare-earth magnet taped together. Throw it up high and in quantity to impress your friends and city officials.»

Check out a video at Graffiti Research Lab » LED Throwies
credit to Spreeblick for that great piece of info of urban media technology.

final fonttool

final version of Linotype FontExplorer X released today.

If you’re on Mac and want to manage some (more) fonts: go get it.

It replaced Suitcase and FontAgent on my Computer. Month ago. It’s free and I don’t think that Extensis can win with SuitcaseFusion against a competitor with a lifelong knowledge of fonts and a product which is rock-solid. No crashes for 5 months.

writely to google, next in line …! is Powerpoint or Keynote for the web. build presentations online and share them via the net. but don’t forget: it’s still an alpha-version. don’t cry if something breaks. i’ll test it in-deep the next days … and maybe report back.

the future is now

Bi-manual, multi-point, and multi-user interactions on a graphical interaction surface.

While touch sensing is commonplace for single points of contact, multi-touch sensing enables a user to interact with a system with more than one finger at a time, as in chording and bi-manual operations. Such sensing devices are inherently also able to accommodate multiple users simultaneously, which is especially useful for larger interaction scenarios such as interactive walls and tabletops.

salomon was talking about that; he send me a link. but I didn’t checked the importance of it. now i watched the video-clip and it’s amazing hot. pure sci-fi. I want one of those displays. now!

watch it here via YouTube:

go there to check it out where it comes from (and on the left side there is link to a — downloadable — mp4-clip (12MB)) .

MAKE: Blog : Light up animated Pac-Man bicycle wheels

Ladyada writes about her Pac-Man wheels – “The technology here is “persistence of vision”…when LEDs move fast enough they can “draw” an image when the wheel spins. That’s the basis behind both the MiniPOV and SpokePOV toys that I designed last year. I rode this design around last burningman, obviously ive adjusted the image so they’re “upside down” here for better photographing! If you’d like to build your own, check out the full instructions on Instructables

er schreibt wieder!

kurz und knapp, und zwar über: Multi-Touch Interaction Research