Archive for February, 2008

kill. the. dock.

you need the terminal for getting rid of the 3D:

defaults write no-glass -boolean YES; killall Dock

found it at ShaunInman .

btw.: if you want that as an on/off switch: there is an app at eternal storms, called 2DOrNot2D.

finally …

… the royal mail delivered. yesterday evening it hits my door. my macbook new suit. designed and handmade by the talented TillyMoss. and it fits. perfect. the waiting worth. thanks!

new outfit …

… for my MacBook:

custom MacSac

just ordered. custom made for me. called MacSac. british handmade vintage inspired gifts by TillyMoss. yehaa! a follow up and a quality review in a week – when the package hits my door and my MacBook jumps into the new clothes. time, run faster! can’t wait!

the next TimeMachine

I’m waiting for Adobe and Microsoft to merge and create a product so inefficient it stops time.

–Yadin Flammer [via dilettante]