Archive for April, 2008

until then …

… you have to go somewhere else. i will re-launch this here for the “x” time. like pushing the reset button. maybe tomorrow. maybe on friday. maybe next week. definitely this month. just to be all new in may. plus some new projects.

over and out.

damn. kicked myself.

2 days ago I realized that someone hotlinked (stole) one of my pictures. to stop that I made the mistake to mess with my htaccess. kaboom! all over my own site for at least 24 hours!


but i realized it too late – some minutes ago! that’s it. sorry.

why today is no ordinary day

read on at my more private journal why today the day started like no day before. hah. and the thank you goes to beaucoup kevin.

this day gonna be a creative day. hell yes!