Archive for May, 2006

CSS Galleries

If you’re looking for inspiration or just wanna see some nice designed sites:
Did I said that my site is listed there? Here and here
update no. 1: netzfruehling : there I am too. domo arigato.
update no. 2: cssbloom listed me. thank you! Update: server is down.

happier happy tagging

Last week on friday I stumbled (again) upon a small application: WebnoteHappy. It’s a 1.0 version, and in this case it’s not a bad number. Most of the new apps don’t even get out of beta. I started testing this little apps just because of one(!) feature: import, edit and post bookmarks! Well, ok you can import/export your Safari and Firefox bookmarks as well.

I started using this app and missed one little function: to have a global shortcut — while in e.g. NetNewsWire or Safari — to post a link to I started an e-mail conversation with the developer from WebnoteHappy, and he answered my questions very quick and helpful. And not even this: we started to talk about some improvements as well. To make it short: I think this app could be my next No. 1 in the category “needful things” (and I test a lot!). Btw.: there IS a global shortcut (cmd-shift-D) to get a floating entry/notes window!


  • notes
  • tags
  • support (share/unshare privat)
  • unique “links”
  • 30 days tryout
  • $ 24.95 USD/license
  • friendly developer
  • (more …)

to tell you this tale

remember Nightmare before Christmas? Well, it’s animated too but totally different set. I hope you have a fast internet connection because the file weights about 70 MB. Absolutely worth every byte. Great. Superb. Got to go now, have to watch it again.
The Tale of How

site: The Blackheart Gang

direct download/watch: The Tale Of How

dank an / thanks to : Videotheke.

Escher? Gonsalves!

stumbled upon it, took a look, smile, post:
to see more (37! paintings) go to

Die Abkürzung

[…] Eine Kategorisierung durch tags ist eine kognitive Meisterleistung, als auch eine “Abkürzung” des Gedankenprozesses. […]

und wer mehr wissen möchte gehe bitte direkt zu Hasematzel

Thank you Toru!

Before I gonna start to create a page where others say something about my work or site I have to thank Toru:

« 少し和風っぽいデザインで気になった3つの内の1つ。全体のデザインもシンプルだし、ナビゲーションの線なんかは面白いと思います。でもそれ以上に好きなのはロゴです。ドイツの方のようなので、どう言ったコンセプトでこうなったかはしりませんが、「富士山+桜」っぽいのが妙に気になる。 »

After asking him about a translation he wrote an extended (english) version:

«[…] there were 3 sites which caught my eyes. BureauBlumberg was one of them. First of all, I like the simple look, with its focus on content. Secondry, I think the use of verticle line above the navigation menu is a very interesting way to solve that space above the main content. I couldn’t think a way myself to solve that space, but to insert a photo or a picture. Lastly, and its actually my favourite, is the site logo!

I am not sure whether you meant it or not, but I feel that this logo gives a slight Japanese, or Oriental feel to the site. To me, the logo looks like three cherry blossoms, with Mt. Fuji on the background. The dark red color helps also. If there wasn’t this logo, or if it was more like your “CSS Rebooted 2006″ logo, I would get a different impression: good and simple design. Perhaps its a good example, when talking about the importance of the site logo. Would look great on the back of the T-shirt too, I think.

I am wondering whether you had “Japan” in your concept, when you re-designed the site?

In summary, I like the good simple design. The good choice of color and excellent logo design is an effective way to create an impression, but with keeping the overall simple look.»

Thank you Toru — 有難う。

Thank you oBeattie!

«I love dark red, and simple, content-focused designs. Yoram’s site fits this bill perfectly. Although not without it’s graphical flourishes of goodness, this site has a really nice and refreshing content focus. See what I mean?»

Thank you Oliver Beattie!

When Yoda meets Gandalf

Mashup popculture – no more words needed besides from the VJ:

«These cultural entities, two of the biggest juggernauts of global propaganda, share similar plots, soundtracks, characters, creatures and actors […]».

To read more about the mashup concept and/or to grab a hires version (quicktime needed) just go to misshapenfeatures.

(first noticed on BoingBoing)