Archive for August, 2007

Not in my name (spam)

Today at 10.10 it started. I received hundreds of “Delivery Failure” e-mails. I talked to my hoster and he told me about: Continue reading ‘Not in my name (spam)’

and there is sorrow

yesterday my father-in-law died. otfried rost. 80 years. great man, husband, father, grandfather and artist. his art was and still is inspiring — his website an already started future project.

Flamenco Dancer

alive! alive? alive!

yes, i’m alive. worked hard. did a wedding “corporate” design (early examples at f.), some (re-)design (champions-world), some blog design (katharina suckale, online very soon), a printed portfolio for sk74, consulting and preparation for a big re-design (secret). and still doing the planning for my own biggest projects: one w/ words and one w/ images – but it’s a long way to go; numbers? around 200 and around 2500. curious? harhar!

besides the virtual world i did some woodwork: new desktop construction/extension and a monitor+macmini stand … photos: later.

footnote: ben, our time is august.